Scientific journal papers, conference presentations, dissertation (incl. pdf where available)
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- J. Nagy, W. Fenz, S. Thumfart, J. Maier, Z. Major, H. Stefanits, M. Gollwitzer, J. Oberndorfer, N. Stroh, M. Giretzlehner, M. Sonnberger, A. Gruber, P.R. Rauch, M. Gmeiner. Fluid structure Interaction analysis for rupture risk assessment in patients with middle cerebral artery aneurysms, Sci Rep. 2025 Jan 14;15(1)1965.,
- J. Nagy, W. Fenz, V. Miron, S. Thumfart, J. Maier, Z. Major, H. Stefanits, J. Oberndorfer, N. Stroh, V. Mazanec, P.R. Rauch, A. Gruber, M. Gmeiner. Fluid–Structure Interaction Simulations of the Initiation Process of Cerebral Aneurysms, Brain Sci. 2024, 14, 977.,
- J.Nagy et al. Software methodology for characterization of cerebral aneurysms, 5th Aspherix® and CFDEM® Conference, 26-27 September 2024, Vienna, Austria
- J.Nagy et al. Growth History and Significant Events of Cerebral Aneurysm with Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations, 11th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, 19-21 August 2024, Barcelona, Spain
- J. Nagy, J. Maier, W. Fenz, Z. Major, A. Gruber, M. Gmeiner. Analysis of Morphology, Hemodynamics and Structural Mechanics for the Establishment of Growth History of Cerebral Aneurysm, JBEB, 11: 8-13, 2024 September,
- J. Nagy, J. Maier, V. Miron, W. Fenz, Z. Major, A. Gruber, M. Gmeiner. Methods, Validation and Clinical Implementation of a Simulation Method of Cerebral Aneurysms, JBEB, 10: 10-19, 2023 Oktober,
- J.Nagy et al. Clinical implementation of a simulation method for the analysis of cerebral aneurysms, 10th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, 3-5 August 2023, London, UK
- J.Nagy et al. ARES Aneurysm Risk Estimation Support, 4th Aspherix® and CFDEM® Conference, 20-21 April 2023, Linz, Austria
- J.Nagy et al. Biomechanical simulations: aneurysm simulations, NAFEMS Eatern European Conference, October 2022, Prague, Chech Republic
- J.Nagy et al. Monitoring of the behaviour of intracranial aneurysms with OpenFOAM, 10th OpenFOAM Conference, 8 November 2022, online
- E. J. L. Alho, E. T. Fonoff, A. T. Di Lorenzo Alho, J. Nagy and H. Heinsen. Use of computational fluid dynamics for 3D fiber tract visualization on human high-thickness histological slices: histological mesh tractography, Brain Struct Funct, 2021 Jan 3.,
- J.Nagy., P. Cardiff, V. M. Miron, Z. Major. Modeling hyperelastic solids in OpenFOAM, 8th OpenFOAM Conference, October 13-15 2020
- J.Nagy. Fluid-Structure Interaction simulations in OpenFOAM with hyperelastic models for aneurysm modeling, 16th OpenFOAM Workshop, 7-11 June 2020, Dublin, Ireland
- E. J. L. Alho, A. T. Di Lorenzo Alho, A. Horn, M. d. G. M. Martin, B. L. Edlow, B. Fischl, J. Nagy, E. T. Fonoff, C. Hamani, H. Heinsen. The Ansa Subthalamica: A Neglected Fiber Tract, Mov Disord., 2019 Nov 23., DOI:
- J.Nagy. and P. Cardiff Numeric investigation of Fluid-Structure Interaction for internal flow processes, 7th OpenFOAM Conference 2019, October 15-17 2019
- J.Nagy. Fire simulations in OpenFOAM for large areas, PFAU18, July 3rd 2019, Graz, Austria, PFAU 19, November 25th 2019, Leoben, Austria
- J.Nagy. Alternative approaches to fire simulations in OpenFOAM, FOAM-Iberia 2019, June 11th 2019, Porto, Portugal
- J.Nagy. Fire Simulations in OpenFOAM with the Example of the Steckler Room, 3rd CFDEM Conference, March 14-15 2019, Linz, Austria
- E. J. L. Alho, A. T. Di Lorenzo Alho, E. T. Fonoff, H. Heinsen, J. Nagy. Computational fluid dynamics for 3D fiber tract visualization on high thickness histological slices: Histological Mesh Tractography, Gray's Neuroanatomy Conference, Siracuse, Italy, October 2018
- P. Cardiff, A Karac, P. De Jaeger, H. Jasak, J. Nagy, A. Ivankovic, Z. Tukovic. An open-source finite volume toolbox for solid mechanics and fluid-solid interaction simulations. arXiv:1808.10736v2, 2018, available at
- J.Nagy, G. Steinbichler. Fluid Dynamic & Thermal Modeling of the Injection Molding Process in OpenFOAM. 11th OpenFOAM Workshop Papers, Springer Int. Publishing AG, in print.
- J.Nagy, G. Steinbichler. Application of OpenFOAM for the setup of the injection molding process, Gothenburg Region OpenFOAM User Group Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, 15.11.2017 and PFAU 15, Leoben, 11.12.2017
- J. Nagy, G. Steinbichler. Influence of rheology on the injection molding process, PFAU 16, Linz, 09.07.2017
- J. Nagy et al. Selective, adaptive & manual (SAM) mesh refinement in injection molding simulation in OpenFOAM, 5th OF User Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 17.10.2017
- J. Nagy, G. Steinbichler. Runtime optimization in injection molding simulations with adaptive and selective grid refinement, OF12, Exeter, GB, 25.07.2017
- J. Nagy, G. Steinbichler. Optimized injection molding simulations in OpenFOAM®, PFAU 14, 06.07.2017, Graz
- J. Nagy, E. Kobler, S. Wuschko, G. Steinbichler. Modeling and optimization of the injection molding process with OpenFOAM®, PFAU 13, Vienna, 15.11.2016
- J. Nagy et al. Modeling and optimization of the injection molding process with OpenFOAM®, 4th Annual OF User Conference, Cologne, Germany, 11.10.2016
- J. Nagy et al. Fluid dynamic and thermal modeling of the injection molding process in OpenFOAM®, OFW11, Guimaraes, Portugal, 29.06.2016
- J. Nagy, E. Kobler, G. Steinbichler. Describing the injection molding process with OpenFOAM®, PFAU 12, 15.03.2016, Linz, Austria
- J. Nagy, C. Goniva, C. Kloss, K. Straka, E. Kobler, G. Steinbichler. Modeling of melting of polymer pellets for the plastification proces, PFAU 11, 26.11.2015, Leoben, Austria and 1st CFDEM® Project User Meeting & Workshop, Linz, Austria
- J. Nagy, E. Kobler, G. Steinbichler. Influence of complex material behavior of polymer materials on the production process, 10th OpenFOAM Workshop, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, June 29, 2015
- J. Nagy, L. Reith, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Steinbichler. Influence of fiber orientation and geometry variation on flow phenomena and reactive polymerization of ϵ-caprolactam. Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 128, 25 May 2015, Pages 1-10
- J. Nagy, E. Kobler, G. Steinbichler. Analysis of the machine behavior during the injection molding process with OpenFOAM®, PFAU 10, 8.7.2015, Graz, Austria
- J. Nagy, H. Juster, K. Streke, G. Steinbichler. Polymer injection molding simulations in OpenFOAM®, PFAU 9.0, Linz, Austria, 03.11.2014
- J. Nagy, L. Reith, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Steinbichler. Modeling the polymer conversion dependent viscosity change in the production of thermoplastic materials, ECFD VI, Barcelona, Spain, 20-25.07.2014.
- J. Nagy, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Steinbichler. Local permeability directions for porous media, OpenFOAM Workshop, Zagreb, Croatia, 25.06.2014
- J. Nagy, L. Reith, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Steinbichler. Modeling the influence of flow phenomena on the polymerization of ϵ-Caprolactam, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 111, 24 May 2014, Pages 85-93
- J. Nagy, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Steinbichler. Polymerization in the filling process of composites, PFAU 7.0, Leoben, Austria, 18.11.2013
- J. Nagy, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Steinbichler. Utilization of OpenFOAM® in the reactive production of polymer composite materials, Open Source CFD International Conference 2013, Hamburg, Germany, 25.10.2013
- J. Nagy, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Steinbichler. Optimization of composite material production, PFAU 6.0, Graz, Austria, 24.06.2013
- J. Nagy. Untersuchung von mehrphasigen, kompressiblen Strömungen durch Simulation und Experiment, Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien, 2013.
- J. Nagy. Open Source Analyse von mehrphasigen, kompressiblen Strömungen: Untersuchung von mehrphasigen, kompressiblen Strömungen durch Simulation und Experiment, Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-8381-3634-9.
- J. Nagy und M. Harasek. Investigation of the aerobreakup of a liquid droplet at high Weber number with different turbulence models. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, Athens, Greece, 2012.
- J. Nagy, A. Horvath, C. Jordan, und M. Harasek. Turbulent phenomena in the aerobreakup of liquid droplets. CFD Letters, 4(3):112-126, 2012.
- J. Nagy, C. Jordan, und M. Harasek. Numerical and experimental investigation of the role of asymmetric gas flow in the breakup of liquid droplets. In Proceedings of the Fourth Open Source CFD International Conference London, The Tower Hotel, London, Great-Britain, 2012.
- J. Nagy, A. Horváth, C. Jordan, M. Harasek. Improvement of an Industrial High Temperature Furnace, In Proceedings of 5th Open Source CFD International Conference 2011, Paris-Chantilly, France, 3-4 November, 2011.
- J. Nagy, C. Jordan, und M. Harasek. Technical application of a multiphase solver in the compressible flow of a gaseous and a liquid phase. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas,Metallurgical and Process Industries, SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, June 2011.
- J. Nagy, A. Horváth, C. Jordan, M. Harasek. CFD Simulations of a High Temperature Furnace, In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and process Industries, SINTEF/NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2011.